I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had a great one! We went the Welker's for Thanksgiving lunner. It was wonderful! Sister Welker deep fried 4 turkeys. We also had loads of homemade bread, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pie. Lots of pie!
This week has been pretty good! Not much exciting news though except for I had lots of pie this week! I had the opportunity to do some exchanges with some elders in the district. I went over to Cambridge Ohio. It is a fun small place like Coshocton.
The most exciting news of the week is the new video the church put out. If you have not seen it you should go watch it. It is called He is the Gift. It is absolutely incredible. So on Wednesday we made a wonderful trek down to Columbus for a special meeting. The meeting was all about the new movie. We have been asked to help all the members discover, embrace, and share the Gift of Christ. I am so excited for it. We have been using it everywhere we can. And you should too! I was able to even teach a 5th Sunday lesson about it yesterday. The Lord is truly hastening His work in all fashion. So write now the moment you are reading this, go to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other new fan-dangled social media sites that might have been created in the past 20 months, and post it on there! We need to flood the world with this! Every companionship gets 10 cards to pass out a day. We did the math. If every companionship in the world gets to pass out 10 cards that means roughly 400,000 cards will be passed out in one day! So we need to let everyone now about this! At the end of the video we are invited to do 3 things: Discover the Gift, Embrace the Gift, and Share the Gift. But I can tell you one thing you can not nor will you fully discover and embrace the Gift of Christ without sharing the gospel. The only way to fulfill the first two invitations is to complete the third. So go out there and share the Gift! Alright I am off my soap box but seriously just do it!